Salon Policies

Late Policy

Please be courteous to your stylist and other clients, if you are 15 minutes late to your appointment we may have to reschedule.

Cancellation Policy

Please call to change or cancel your appointment at least 24 hours prior to the time of your scheduled appointment. Your card will only be charged in the event you cancel within a time period less than 24 hours of your scheduled appointment or if you do not show up without calling at least 24 hours before.

No Show Policy

In order to respect the time of our stylist if an appointment is a no show you will be charged a $50 fee

Color Correction Policy

The estimation of a color correction may adjust to more or less. During your appointment your stylist will answer all questions and recommend a home maintenance program for your hair. We can not guarantee your hair color without purchasing and using the products recommended for you.The estimation of the color correction services does not include any of the following visits due to fading or changing of color.

Color correction is a process that may require multiple salon visits to correct.

 Redo Policy

Our goal at Little Hair Shop is to make every client happy when they walk out our doors. As our client, if you are not happy with your experience at our salon we offer a redo policy. If you are not happy with your experience you have 48 hours to contact your stylist. You have 5 days from your original appointment to have a corrective service. Our policy does not honor clients who have changed their mind on a service they asked for.


Methods of Payment

We accept Card , Check , and Cash